Lead times for Reformers, Cadillacs, Towers is 6 months. 2-3 months for Chairs, Barrels, and Mats.

Pilates Training Programs | 5 Week Online Course with Clare Dunphy Hemani and Studio S

5 Week Online Course with Clare Dunphy Hemani and Studio S


5 Week Online Course with Clare Dunphy Hemani and Studio S


Where ever YOU are in the world. All teachers from any background are invited to attend.

This is an online Zoom classroom course. Live streaming, you can ask Q’s and get answers from Clare live. OR, If Tuesday’s from 12-3 PST doesn’t work for you, you can watch them later and submit your questions to Clare on our private FB page just for this group.

This is a 5 week course:

  • 3 Hours per week
  • 3 Pilates avatar’s
  • 1 Manual that is written for you as we go, for reference inc the handouts/notes to look back on
  • It takes place in your studio, on your apparatus as clare guides and teaches you more fully and increasingly deeper into the knowledge of teaching and incorporating the full classical system into your repertoire.

Learning Labs #1 takes you beyond the basics of the Nuts N Bolts which just skims the surface of the Basic System and delivers you to a place of real understanding of the apparatus and all the exercises there-in up and Into the Intermediate work. We will tear down and build up from the lowest common denominator, how to handle every client situation that can come your way, and more. So, mark your calendars for 5 Tuesday’s in a row starting May 15, and join us for this in-depth study and build your toolbox.




  • May 15, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.
  • May 22, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.
  • May 29, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.
  • June 5, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.
  • June 12, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.

Location: Online

Phone:  (951) 972-2632

Email: studio_s@icloud.com

Website: www.truepilateslasvegas.com



Payment Options:

  • $950 for the whole course paid in advance
  • 5 payments of $200 must be paid in full by May 15th
  • Or? Message me, and we will figure it out ;)

Register Here: bookstudiospilates.as.me/schedule.php



Schedule Options

Going More Joe Workshops: Learning Labs #1 with Clare Dunphy Hemani

15 hours @ $950.00

In this 5-part video series, you’ll learn how to:

  1.  Distinguish the philosophy and vocabulary of “classical” Pilates
  2. Work with the exercise order on the mat and reformer plus understand why’s behind the orders
  3. Avoid common teaching mistakes and open yourself up to new possibilities
  4. Move and discover for yourself how to make adjustments while in motion
  5. Link exercises together with transitions
  6. Execute the basic exercises on all apparatus
  7. Pilates Avatar audios, plus workbook



    About Clare Dunphy Hemani

    Romana Certified Teacher. Clare Dunphy Hemani is a world recognized Pilates teacher and educator. Her roots in the industry began at Northeastern University, Boston where she earned a BS in Physical Education in 1985. She holds certifications through The Pilates Guild, PMA, and ACE. In 1995, Clare began her Pilates studies under Romana Kryzanowska and has since studied with several other teachers. Clare lives in Newburyport, MA where her studio Progressive Bodyworks is located, a unique space for teachers around the world to study the art of teaching Pilates. She has spent the past 12 years mentoring teachers and teacher trainers worldwide and created two free video channels on vimeo.com for students and teachers interested in continued learning and keeping the work vibrant in their life. Committed to preserving the authenticity and tradition of Pilates, her approach is refreshing, energetic and supportive. Clare's gift is her willingness to share knowledge generously and her ability to explain concepts in simple, clear ways. (Source)

    Progressive Bodyworks

    Pilates Avatar

    Gratz Gallery
    The High Bridge | Spine Corrector



    Studio S | www.truepilateslasvegas.com

    About Studio S

    Studio S Pilates is a private, boutique, classical Pilates studio. Before moving to Las Vegas, Studio S has been serving Temecula CA community and has been voted as the best Pilates studio in the area for 4 consecutive years. There is only one kind of Pilates….the kind that came from Joe and Clara Pilates. There are other varieties out there, fusions and combinations and exercises done on Pilates apparatus, so the word Pilates is thrown about a bit, but here at Studio S Pilates the classical version is taught on classical apparatus.

    Here at Studio S Pilates in Las Vegas we stay as close to the original intentions of Joseph Pilates as possible, so your workout will always be specific to you.


    Sunni is a comprehensively trained classical Pilates teacher, she has been teaching for nearly 20 years, and remains a student studying with the most gifted and solidly trained classical teachers. She is the creator and the only provider of Going More Joe mentorship (#GoingMoreJoe) for Pilates teachers. Sunni also holds educational workshops at Studio S Pilates and shares the Pilates wealth as it were. You are invited to call for a free consultation, to see if Pilates, Sunni and Studio S Pilates are a fit for you. Bring your questions and open mind and a willingness to feel better.

    See you in the studio,

    Studio S




    2018 - 2019 Pilates Events and Teacher Training Programs
    Do you have an upcoming event, workshop or conference? Do you have a teacher training program or seminar?

    We will post your scheduled programs and events on our event page and in our monthly newsletter.
    Email info@gratzindustries.com for more information.

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