Lead times for Reformers, Cadillacs, Towers is 6 months. 2-3 months for Chairs, Barrels, and Mats.

Gratz Gallery | Marcelo Tapia



Marcelo Tapia


GUILLOTINE // SQUAT with Neck Tensometer

"A very complete exercise, gives you the feeling of growing taller."



About Marcelo Tapia

Marcelo Tapia began his career as a professional dancer with some of the most prestigious companies in South America, Europe and Asia. He began studying Pilates in 1994 and was certified to teach through Romana’s Pilates, studying extensively with the famous Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter Sari.

After years of teaching throughout Europe, South America and the United States, Marcelo spent 3 years accompanying the Cirque du Soleil performers as their Pilates instructor during their tours. He then landed back I the tri- state area where he is known as a teacher of teachers.



About Westport Pilates

We are a boutique studio offering personalized sessions tailored to your individual needs. Through the Classical Pilates System, we ensure you build a strong foundation so you succeed in making real changes to your body. No matter if you’re a beginner or an advanced Pilates practitioner, you’ll find what you need at our studio. This is not a gym, you are not a number, and we care deeply about your progress.




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