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“Don’t over correct – let them find their way and just get them moving. If the student is committed and keeps at it, the results and benefits will reveal themselves with time.”

Jay Grimes

Gratz Pilates shares our sadness and sense of loss with the Pilates community after hearing of Jay Grimes’ passing. Jay was a true “powerhouse,” and his legacy lives on through the many students and teachers he mentored and shared his knowledge with for so many years. His warm smile, wicked sense of humor, and strict attention to detail in teaching “the work” were remarkable and transformative for so many.

The attached photo of Jay and Romana was taken by our friend Moses Urbano in December 2006 when I first joined Gratz. Roberta invited me to meet her at Dragos Gym, where she had taken a Pilates class, and we went to lunch. There, I was introduced to Romana, Jay and Moses.

Over the next 12 years, I was lucky enough to spend time with Jay when he would visit New York for the Winter holidays. We would have lunch, and he would provide hilarious critiques of all the Broadway shows he had seen during his visit. We traveled together to conferences in LA, San Diego, Chicago, Scottsdale, New York, Hamburg, Zurich, Pisa, London, Istanbul.  Jay referred to this as the “traveling Pilates carnival” and “the tour.” There are many great memories of these conferences and working with Dana Santi, Brooke Siler, Kathi Ross-Nash, Peter Fiasca, Mari Winsor, Chris Robinson, Mejo Wiggin, and other presenters. Many funny stories and laughs were shared at meals and at hotel bars with the presenters and attendees. 

Jay would take questions from the attendees at the event’s conclusion, and he often repeated advice to the assembled teachers and apprentices:

Don’t over correct – let them find their way and just get them moving. If the student is committed and keeps at it, the results and benefits will reveal themselves with time.

Please take a look at Jay Grimes: Pilates Revealed Video

- David Rosencrans / Partner, Gratz Pilates  

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