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Vive Pilates Studio | Featured Studio Series

Vive Pilates Studio

July 2016 | Guadalajara, Spain


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio



"Everyone who visits Vive Pilates Studio says they feel really comfortable here.
The patients’ results have been so incredible that more and more visitors are coming to Vive Pilates to workout on the Gratz apparatus.

I have full confidence in what I do because I know that this apparatus preserve the tenets with which Joseph Pilates designed it,
and in my professional opinion this is the difference between Gratz and the other Pilates apparatus, the AUTHENTICITY."

Verónica Muriel Arias, Owner and Instructor
Vive Pilates Studio




* The slogan on the wall means “Physical fitness is the first requisite for happiness”

Vive Pilates is a Classical Pilates Studio specializing in Rehabilitation. It’s a beautiful boutique-style studio located in Guadalajara, a city near Madrid, in Spain, where at this moment it is an unusual business. Vive Pilates was born from the idea to give the people of this city the chance to discover the Authentic Pilates Method, that gives them physical and psychological health. Our mantra is “Vive Pilates Studio, your health is our most important goal.”

In order to achieve this goal, we need, of course, the best equipment, and this equipment is GRATZ Pilates. We are now working on celebrating in the near future reunions between Physical Therapist Specialists in Classical Pilates for talks about the aches and injuries of the patients and how we can treat them in the best way with the help of Pilates.


Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio


I am Verónica Muriel Arias, the owner of Vive Pilates Studio. Opening my studio is a dream come true for me.
After I finished a Degree in Physical Therapy and my Master’s Degree in Osteopathic Medicine, I decided to study to become a Physical Therapy Specialist in Classical Pilates, Mat and Apparatus at the University of Alcalá. In the past I was a elite sportswomen, specifically in the modality of Taekwondo, on the Spanish National Team, and for this reason I admire now, and I always have admired the movement of the body.

Since my first day of Pilates lessons I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to the Pilates Method, so I continued to work hard on my studies and I continued to learn about Pilates by attending events and training at True Pilates in New York City, and within other studios around the city. I was inspired during my short time in New York City and I immediately began working on opening my own Pilates studio when I arrived back home. Each day I thank God for allowing me to do what I love. I’m also thankful for my SISTER for always trusting in my work. 




A wonderful Pilates instructor in New York said to me: “The same instructor, the same classical exercises will not be the same if you are not using a Gratz apparatus. The changes to the bodies of your clients will be completely different if you use Gratz.” I chose to use Gratz for this reason and from my own personal experiences with using the apparatus at conferences. I’m sure this equipment helps my clients and I achieve our goals in the best way.


  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Vive Pilates Studio
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Pilates Essence
  • Gratz Pilates Featured Studio - Pilates Essence






Prado de Taracena nº 11 A Street
Guadalajara, Spain

Phone: +34 949 490000 / +34 680 501772
Email: info@vivepilatesestudio.com
Website: www.vivepilatesestudio.com

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